The Many Faces Of Elmo
From Fisher-Price
elmo kids

  Home |  Elmo DVDs | Elmo's Alphabet Bus | Elmo Flashlight | Cute Photos | Elmo Cell Phone

Tikle Me Elmo Cute Photos

Kitten on Back

Kitten at Rest


Puppy in Water

Puppy Gets a Bath


Kitten and Chick

Are You Awake Yet?


Puppy Duke

Mr. Duke

A Fun Flashlight

Give your child or grandchild the fun and safety of an Elmo flashlight to keep by their bedside. Go to to find an Elmo Flashlight or the Cookie Monster Kids Flashlight. Either is a good Christmas or Birthday present for other children as well. Would make a good angel tree gift. Just one of the many fun things you can find in Elmos World.


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